Tuesday, June 12, 2007

BIG Announcements!

Yesterday I received an email at 7:32 AM from a gentleman who turns out to be a senior brand manager at a prominent company. He had expressed his and his company's interest in becoming involved with the TRANSFORMING FOR SICK KIDS Initiative.

I won't reveal who it is officially until I craft together the prize package. After having submitted the proposal on last Friday afternoon, I really was quite shocked to check my email to find that they replied. Once I assemble and finalize the prize package, I'll make the awesome announcement!

The other big announcement was that I landed Official Sick Kids Event Status! I decided to drop by the SickKids Foundation at 525 University Avenue on the 14th floor in order to expedite the approval process, set up a face-to-face meeting and to . Thankfully, Katie - the Community Involvement Coordinator - took some time out of her day to speak with me briefly. I had told her about the Initiative and my time at Sick Kids when I was implicated in my accident, as well as who I had been in contact with for sponsorship. I think the tipping point was when I had dropped the fact that I had secured the prominent company, she knew I wasn't messing around. Later that day at 7:32 PM, I received a email indicating that the Initiative had been approved as an Official SickKids Fundraising Event!


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