- We were fortunate enough to come across an Operations Manager at Scotiabank Theatre who was an even BIGGER Transformers nerd than myself. He was kind enough to let us stay in the theatre for the last (then official) day of the initiative's efforts on July 3rd, which was the opening day for Transformers.
- We were able to get approval from head offices at Cineplex Odeon to stay for July 6,7, and 8 - still considered to be the opening weekend of the movie.
- sold a boat lot of raffle tickets and getting closer to the original $5000 target, as a result of being stationed in a high traffic area
- I've had so many friends and colleagues drop by and say hi and lend their support!
- Everythign pretty much worked out PERFECTLY!
I will post pics of our adventures of our stay in Scotiabank theatre, but for now, I'm hungry and I'm tired!!!
- Galvanize Prime out
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